Welcome to Bretagne, a territory of excellence in composites
Bretagne, excellence in innovative composite materials
Highly skilled in composite materials, thanks to its unique background in competitive sailing industry,a real-time testbed to fine tune very latest innovations such as foils, Bretagne developed industrial capabilities to manufacture customized and large-scale components. These unrivalled assets help grow some of the region’s core sectors: automotive, aeronautics, shipbuilding, marine leisure, renewable energy, electronics, sport and leisure, health, defence…
Study of the composites sector in Brittany
Find the economic study of the sector on composite materials in Brittany carried out by Bretagne Développement Innovation, in collaboration with the Composite Bretagne network. This publication was produced from a survey carried out at the end of 2018 among 147 structures (including 113 companies) working in this field, focusing on the 86 structures that responded.
Our companys strong points
- - We produce large carbon parts
In Brittany, we produce extra-large carbon parts thanks to the dynamism of an ecosystem of 147 structures generating 2 047 jobs, and 367 M € turnover.
- - We produce high-precision carbon parts
In Brittany, we produce reliable and high-precision carbon parts thanks to highly innovative manufacturing processes and materials ! 50% of our companies use high-performance epoxy matrix & 70% use high-performance reinforcements.
- - We test our materials in extreme conditions
In Brittany, we test our materials in extreme conditions thanks to our strong expertise in building high-tech offshore racing yachts ! From the 113 companies of our composite sector, 46 works in the boating industry.
- - We design Innovative Materials
In Brittany we design Innovative Materials thanks to 58% of the companies having a R&D budget and working hands in hand with 6 technology platforms, 8 research teams and 2 competitive clusters.
- - In Brittany, composites in competitive sailing inspires other industries
Our companies are also actives in high-tech sectors such as aeronautic & space, automotive, building, defence, naval.
Directory and map
On the occasion of the JEC Composite trade fair, and with the aim of giving more visibility to the Breton sector, the Composite Bretagne network and Bretagne Développement Innovation have put online a directory of the players in the composite industry in Brittany. More than 90 players are listed, manufacturers of manufacturing equipment, producers of raw materials and consumables, service providers, etc.
Bretagne Sailing Valley news
The quarterly e-newsletter in English “Bretagne Sailing Valley News”, published by BDI, gives visibility to the Breton sector internationally. It provides economic and technological news on the Breton competitive sailing industry: interviews, background information, news from member companies, key dates, etc.
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