Innov’sail 2023
6th edition
INNOV’SAIL 2023 is organized by Ecole Navale, the Cité de la Voile-Eric Tabarly, the Eurolarge Innovation programme supported by Bretagne Développement Innovation.
Every three years since its creation in 2008 by the Cité de la Voile-Eric Tabarly and the Ecole Navale, INNOV´SAIL International Conference on Innovation in High Performance Sailing Yachts and Sail-Assisted Ship Propulsion has brought together the world’s leading experts in the field of sailing research.
The conference venue of this 6th edition, to be held in Lorient, France, 29-31 May 2023 is the Cite de la Voile Eric Tabarly, in the heart of the Bretagne Sailing Valley, home of many high-technology yachting and competitive sailing industries as well as racing teams.
Over three days, the conference will provide an international forum for the presentation and discussion of the latest scientific and technological research and its application in the complex field of sailing on the topics of wind assisted ship propulsion as well as competitive sailing.
INNOV’SAIL 2023 will offer a unique opportunity to scientists, naval architects, engineers, sailors, ship owners, sail makers, ship and yacht builders, rig specialists and others involved in this fascinating and challenging field to come together to share skills and know-how.
Particular emphasis will be on technological and knowledge transfer between both racing and wind-assisted ships, as well as between academia and industry. The event will also facilitate meetings and the discovery of local or international partners companies.
Call for Paper
Steering committee and editors of the proceedings :
- Patrick Bot, Naval Academy Research Institute, France, conference chair
- Laura Marimon-Giovannetti, SSPA, Sweden, conference co-chair
Topics covered during the conference (non-exhaustive list) :
- Aerodynamics
- Design of sails, masts, rigging, wings, other wind propulsion systems
- Hydrodynamics
- Design of hulls, appendages, foils
- Structural analysis and materials
- Fluid structure interaction
- Computational methods and model validation
- New experimental results and techniques
- Towing tank, wind tunnel and full scale measurements
- Performance enhancement in general
- Performance prediction
- Weather routing, fuel savings
- Racing tactics and strategy, micro-meteorology and sites investigation
- Optimization, data science, artificial intelligence for sailing and wind propulsion
- Data analysis and integration with sailing and routing strategies
Abstracts of no more than 400 words and 2 pages should be submitted by 17 October 2022 by email :
- Notification of acceptance will be given by 10 December 2022.
- Full papers of accepted abstracts will be due by 20 February 2023.
The conference is partnering with the Journal of Sailing Technology, edited by SNAME, and a selection of high scientific quality contributions will be offered the opportunity to submit a paper to this journal.
The event’s highlights
From fundamental fluid dynamics to performance prediction discover the papers turned into dynamic presentations by the world leading experts behind them. Get an overview on the most thrilling ongoing projects, on novel technical solutions, and the savings potential for different systems, as well as the latest flow research in elite competitive sailing.
Experience the discussion between some of the most brilliant minds in how to shape the future of wind propulsion innovation.
Would you like to meet other event participants to exchange information, deepen certain topics or do business? A meeting platform, facilitated by BDI’s EEN team for the Eurolarge Innovation programme will allow you to pre-built your appointment program and mingle with whomever you want during the event.
At INNOV´SAIL, sessions will offer the possibility to showcase for a 5-minute pitch, talent of the most intriguing companies that will have applied.